[Preface] This is a transcript of a previously uploaded video. To follow along please click here to open up the video in another tab VIDEO.
I’m here to show you a short video about how I get my text message leads. I use side line as my second
phone number but I also link it to my phone number. If you don’t want to give out your personal number you can use side line as well. You can sign up with them and they are free and you will get a local number or whatever area code you want. And as you can see I have 39 messages up here. As you can see right here 39 messages. The number count is and if you scroll these most of these from yesterday, I’m still getting some coming in today. Not everybody is going to sign up these ones that I followed up with but as you can see the messages do come in. So I’ll show you that part and you can use that. Some
times I set it to auto reply and then you can just send your link to your own auto reply so in case you’re sleeping and somebody sends you a text message that way it can go directly to them without you having to be awake to send it. So what I use is Craigslist to get all of my leads, the same leads I get
they come through my email as well. I’ll show you my craigslist account. If you want the scripts of what I use, the words of text that I use, inside of my craigslist page then let me know I will send that to you. Watch the video and comment below and don’t forget to share it as well so that you can get your script. As you can see these are all currently active. And that’s a lot of ads… see one two three four five six seven eight nine, nine to ten or more ads in different cities and different areas categories. Now again you can see these are all active and you see when I renewed them and they still active now. So now what I will show you is where they go to in this account. They are, not only do they send me text messages but I also get emails so you will get a mixture of both. As you can see I had over 30 messages come in via text message that’s the ads I got. I got two different crisis accounts. I have about you can see ten on one account and I believe that may be out the same amount another account. So that’s about twenty as I put up so here is one of my email accounts as you can see.
One second…
Okay, all right, as you can see scrolling down you see these are the ones that I got from yesterday more, from yesterday, more and more from yesterday. And it just keeps going from the day before and it
just keeps going that way and that’s just one account another. One that goes the same way and another another one that goes to my craigslist account. It’s the same thing I just posted some ads today. You can see we’ve got some other posts that I’ve made and these are the replies that I’ve gotten for MCA.
Technically for anything that you need as you see and it’s gonna, guess I’m running too much at once, but as you can see it works. So if you want to get the text what I use you can go ahead and like I said, like, share and comment this video and let me know that you have like shared it and that you are interested in getting the text and then I will send it to you.
Make sure you do not use exactly how I have it because you could be flagged that way because it is
the same thing so you want to make sure that your you are editing them out. And I will break it down for you, each of you that contact me let me know, I’ll break it down and say hey you can change this you can change up that and this way they can stay on there and the more as you do it then you’ll get more that will stay active on your account so you want to worry about them getting flagged. And that is all for this video if you all have any questions just let me know and I will be happy to help you. Thank you and I’ll speak with you all next video!
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